Early childhood education

Person in charge of early childhood education: Service Manager Anne Julin, anne.julin@puumala.fi, tel. +358 (0)50 342 503 7.

Early education services are provided at the Puumala centre in day care and Hurissalo private day care. The day-care centre offers evening and night care to cover parents’ work, too.

Your child is provided with nurture, education and care according to their stage of development throughout their early education years. The learning path and early education plan is designed and drawn up in co-operation with parents and early education teachers. The growing and learning environment is child-based and built together with the children.


Day-care centre contact info:

Puumalan Päiväkoti: Kappalaisenkuja 5, 52200 Puumala

Email: paivakoti (at)puumala.fi

Day-care centre manager: Pirkko Nousiainen, pirkko.nousiainen@puumala.fi, tel. +358 (0)50 466 507 1.