Liehtalanniemi Museum Estate is a protected jewel of 22 hectares on the island of Niinisaari. There is a small holding and fish farm in the area that has functioned as a museum every summer since the 1980’s. The purpose of the protected area is to maintain Liehtalanniemi as a living and illustrative example of a Savonian small holding and fish farm of the 19th century. Liehtalannimemi is about a form of life that has already disappeared, though you can still see its traces in the flora and fauna of the area. During the summer season there’s an estate manager working as a guide whose stories whisk you back to the world of Jallu, the last master of the farm. There are also sheep and chicken for the summer on the farm, a guided nature trail (2 km), a landing site for canoes, a guest marina and fire pit. More info on the museum in this brochure Liehtala_museum_estate
In 2021 opening hours: 12.6.-29.8. Monday-Friday 11 am.-6 pm. Saturday and Sunday 11 am.-4 pm.
Address: Ylössaarentie 205, 52200 Puumala
Summer guide’s tel. 050 340 3858
Salpa Line concrete bunker is open to visitors in 2021 June 30 – July 31 from Wednesday till Sunday 11 am.-6 pm. in Pappilantie 2. Download the brochure for the bunker here.
Puumala municipality owns the steam boat Wenno that is registered as a museum and run by Puumalan Veneseura (Puumala boat club). The boat club provides cruises for example for parties as ordered. Enquiries and reservations at A genuine metal hull steam boat, S/S Wenno was built in 1907 for timber transport for Miettula sawmill (now Sahanlahti Resort). Sahanlahti is also known as the birthplace of Elsa Heporauta. This versatile cultural personality and one of the founders of Kalevala Jewellery was born in Sahanlahti 1883. You can get to know Elsa’s life through a touring exhibition produced by Puumalan Kalevalaiset Naiset registered association in 2013. There is also an escape room amongst the facilities functioning in the Sawmill museum facilities, is based on the sawmill sawmill’s history.
Puumalan museot – link to South Savonia museum portal